
git machete is a robust tool that simplifies your git workflows.

The bird’s eye view provided by git machete makes merges/rebases/push/pulls hassle-free even when multiple branches are present in the repository (master/develop, your topic branches, teammate’s branches checked out for review, etc.).

Using this tool, you can maintain small, focused, easy-to-review pull requests with little effort.

A look at a git machete status gives an instant answer to the questions:

  • What branches are in this repository?

  • What is going to be merged (rebased/pushed/pulled) and to what?

git machete traverse semi-automatically traverses the branches, helping you effortlessly rebase, merge, push and pull.

When git-machete is installed, it adds machete command to git, so it can be called from command line: git machete <command> <options>. git machete comes with a wide variety of customizable commands and in this site you can find their documentation.

git machete commands and help topics:

  • add – Add a branch to the tree of branch dependencies

  • advance – Fast-forward merge one of children to the current branch, push it and then slide out the child

  • anno – Manage custom annotations

  • clean – Delete untracked and unmanaged branches and also optionally check out user’s open GitHub PRs

  • completion – Print out completion script for bash/fish/zsh

  • config – Display docs for the git machete configuration keys and environment variables

  • delete-unmanaged – Delete local branches that are not present in the branch layout file

  • diff – Diff current working directory or a given branch against its computed fork point

  • discover – Automatically discover tree of branch dependencies

  • edit – Edit the branch layout file

  • file – Display the location of the branch layout file

  • fork-point – Display or override fork point for a branch

  • format – Display docs for the format of the branch layout file

  • github – Create, check out and manage GitHub PRs while keeping them reflected in git machete

  • gitlab – Create, check out and manage GitLab MRs while keeping them reflected in git machete

  • go – Check out the branch relative to the position of the current branch, accepts down/first/last/next/root/prev/up argument

  • help – Display this overview, or detailed help for a specified command

  • hooks – Display docs for the extra hooks added by git machete

  • is-managed – Check if the current branch is managed by git machete (mostly for scripts)

  • list – List all branches that fall into one of pre-defined categories (mostly for internal use)

  • log – Log the part of history specific to the given branch

  • reapply – Rebase the current branch onto its computed fork point

  • show – Show name(s) of the branch(es) relative to the position of a branch, accepts down/first/last/next/root/prev/up argument

  • slide-out – Slide out the current branch and sync its downstream (child) branches with its upstream (parent) branch via rebase or merge

  • squash – Squash the unique history of the current branch into a single commit

  • status – Display formatted tree of branch dependencies, including info on their sync with upstream branch and with remote

  • traverse – Walk through the tree of branch dependencies and rebase, merge, slide out, push and/or pull each branch one by one. By default starts from current branch

  • update – Sync the current branch with its upstream (parent) branch via rebase or merge

  • version – Display the version and exit

Learning Materials#

To get help via CLI run:

git machete help
git machete help go
git machete go --help

Check the following blog posts for more information on how to use git machete or how to manage CI in your own project using Docker:

Commands & help topics#



git machete add [-o|--onto=<target-upstream-branch>] [-R|--as-root] [-y|--yes] [<branch>]

Adds the provided <branch> (or the current branch, if none specified) to the branch layout file. If <branch> is provided but no local branch with the given name exists:

  • if a remote branch of the same name exists in exactly one remote, then user is asked whether to check out this branch locally (as in git checkout),

  • otherwise, user is asked whether it should be created as a new local branch.

If the branch layout file is empty or -R/--as-root is provided, the branch will be added as a root of the tree of branch dependencies. Otherwise, the desired upstream (parent) branch can be specified with -o/--onto. Neither of these options is mandatory, however; if both are skipped, git machete will try to automatically infer the target upstream. If the upstream branch can be inferred, the user will be presented with inferred branch and asked to confirm.

Note: all the effects of add (except git branch creation) can as well be achieved by manually editing the branch layout file.


-f, --as-first-child

Add the given branch as the first (instead of last) child of its parent. Cannot be specified together with -R/--as-root.

-o, --onto=<target-upstream-branch>

Specifies the target parent branch to add the given branch onto. Cannot be specified together with -R/--as-root.

-R, --as-root

Add the given branch as a new root (and not onto any other branch). Cannot be specified together with -o/--onto.

-y, --yes

Don’t ask for confirmation whether to create the branch or whether to add onto the inferred upstream.



git machete advance [-y|--yes]

Fast forwards (as in git merge --ff-only) the current branch C to match its downstream D, pushes C and subsequently slides out D. All three steps require manual confirmation unless -y/--yes is provided.

The downstream D is selected according to the following criteria:

  • if C has exactly one downstream (child) branch d connected with a green edge (see help for status) to C or is overridden, then d is selected as D,

  • if C has no downstream branches connected with a green edge to C, then advance fails,

  • if C has more than one downstream branch connected with a green edge to C, then user is asked to pick the branch to fast-forward merge into (similarly to what happens in git machete go down). If --yes is specified, then advance fails.

As an example, if git machete status --color=never --list-commits is as follows:

m-develop *
  | Enable adding remote branch in the manner similar to git checkout
    | Add support and sample for machete-post-slide-out hook

then running git machete advance will fast-forward the current branch develop to match feature/add-from-remote, and subsequently slide out the latter. After advance completes, status will show:

| Enable adding remote branch in the manner similar to git checkout
o-develop *
  | Add support and sample for machete-post-slide-out hook

Note that the current branch after the operation is still develop, just pointing to feature/add-from-remote’s tip now.

If the current branch C is annotated with push=no qualifier, the push is not performed. If the downstream branch D is annotated with slide-out=no qualifier, the slide-out is not performed. See help for traverse for more details on the qualifiers.


-y, --yes

Don’t ask for confirmation whether to fast-forward the current branch or whether to slide-out the downstream. Fails if the current branch has more than one green-edge downstream branch.



git machete anno [-b|--branch=<branch>] [<annotation text>]
git machete anno -H|--sync-github-prs
git machete anno -L|--sync-gitlab-mrs

If invoked without any <annotation text>, prints out the custom annotation for the given branch (or current branch, if none specified with -b/--branch).

If invoked with a single empty string <annotation text>, like:

$ git machete anno ''

then clears the annotation for the current branch (or a branch specified with -b/--branch).

If invoked with -H/--sync-github-prs (for GitHub) or -L/--sync-gitlab-mrs (for GitLab), annotates the branches based on their corresponding GitHub PR/GitLab MR numbers and authors. When the current user is NOT the author of the PR/MR associated with that branch, adds rebase=no push=no branch qualifiers used by git machete traverse, so that you don’t rebase or push someone else’s PR/MR by accident (see help for traverse). Any existing annotations (except branch qualifiers) are overwritten for the branches that have an opened PR/MR; annotations for the other branches remain untouched.


See the help for github for how to configure GitHub API access. TL;DR: GITHUB_TOKEN env var or ~/.github-token file or gh/hub CLI configs if exist.

See the help for gitlab for how to configure GitLab API access. TL;DR: GITLAB_TOKEN env var or ~/.gitlab-token file or glab CLI config if exists.

For enterprise domains, non-standard URLs etc., check git config keys in either command’s help.

In any other case, sets the annotation for the given/current branch to the given <annotation text>. If multiple <annotation text>’s are passed to the command, they are concatenated with a single space.

Note: anno command is able to overwrite the existing branch qualifiers, for example with git machete anno "rebase=no push=no".

Note: all the effects of anno can be always achieved by manually editing the branch layout file.


-b, --branch=<branch>

Branch to set the annotation for.

-H, --sync-github-prs

Annotate with GitHub PR numbers and author logins where applicable.

-L, --sync-gitlab-mrs

Annotate with GitLab MR numbers and author logins where applicable.


Documentation about available git machete git config keys and environment variables that change the command’s default behavior.

Note: config is not a command as such, just a help topic (there is no git machete config command).

Git config keys:

GitHub Enterprise domain

E.g. git config machete.github.domain

Remote name (as in git remote)

E.g. git config machete.github.remote origin

Organization and repository name

E.g. git config machete.github.organization VirtusLab; git config machete.github.repository git-machete

Note that you do not need to set all four keys at once. For example, in a typical usage of GitHub Enterprise, it should be enough to just set machete.github.domain. Only machete.github.organization and machete.github.repository must be specified together.


Setting this config key to true will cause all commands that write GitHub PR numbers into annotations to not only include PR number and author (if different from the current user), but also the full URL of the PR.

The affected (sub)commands clearly include anno --sync-github-prs and github anno-prs, but also github checkout-prs, github create-pr, github retarget-pr and github restack-pr.


Setting this config key to true will force git machete github create-pr to take PR description from the message body of the first unique commit of the branch, even if .git/info/description and/or .github/ is present.

GitLab self-managed domain

E.g. git config machete.gitlab.domain

Remote name (as in git remote)

E.g. git config machete.gitlab.remote origin

Namespace and project name

E.g. git config machete.gitlab.namespace foo/bar; git config machete.gitlab.project hello-world

Note that you do not need to set all four keys at once. For example, in a typical usage for GitLab self-managed instance, it should be enough to just set machete.gitlab.domain. Only machete.gitlab.namespace and machete.gitlab.project must be specified together.


Setting this config key to true will cause all commands that write GitLab MR numbers into annotations to not only include MR number and author (if different from the current user), but also the full URL of the MR.

The affected (sub)commands clearly include anno --sync-gitlab-mrs and gitlab anno-mrs, but also gitlab checkout-mrs, gitlab create-mr, gitlab retarget-mr and gitlab restack-mr.


Setting this config key to true will force git machete gitlab create-mr to take MR description from the message body of the first unique commit of the branch, even if .git/info/description and/or .gitlab/merge_request_templates/ is present.


Executing git machete fork-point --override-to[-parent|-inferred|=<revision>] [<branch>] sets up a fork point override for <branch>.

The override data is stored under machete.overrideForkPoint.<branch>.to git config key.

There should be no need for the user to interact with this key directly, git machete fork-point with flags should be used instead.


To make it easier to select branch name from the status output on certain terminals (like Alacritty), you can add an extra space between └─ and branch name by setting git config machete.status.extraSpaceBeforeBranchName true.

For example, by default the status is displayed as:




With machete.status.extraSpaceBeforeBranchName config set to true:


├─ feature_branch1

└─ feature_branch2

To change the behavior of git machete traverse command so that it doesn’t push branches by default, you need to set config key git config machete.traverse.push false.

Configuration key value can be overridden by the presence of the --push or --push-untracked flags.


The default value of this key is true, which means that the path to branch layout file will be .git/machete for both regular directory and worktree.

If you want the worktree to have its own branch layout file (located under .git/worktrees/.../machete), set git config machete.worktree.useTopLevelMacheteFile false.

Environment variables:


Name of the editor used by git machete e[dit], example: vim or nano.


Used to pass extra options to the underlying git rebase invocation (called by the executed command, such as: reapply, slide-out, traverse, update). Example: GIT_MACHETE_REBASE_OPTS="--keep-empty --rebase-merges" git machete update.


Used to store GitHub API token. Used by commands such as anno --sync-github-prs and github.



git machete clean [-c|--checkout-my-github-prs] [-y|--yes]

Deprecated. Use github checkout-prs --mine, delete-unmanaged and slide-out --removed-from-remote.

Synchronizes with the remote repository:

  1. if invoked with -H or --checkout-my-github-prs, checks out open PRs for the current user associated with the GitHub token and also traverses the chain of pull requests upwards, adding branches one by one to git-machete and checks them out locally as well,

  2. deletes unmanaged branches,

  3. deletes untracked managed branches that have no downstream branch.

No branch will be deleted unless explicitly confirmed by the user (or unless -y/--yes option is passed). Equivalent of git machete github sync if invoked with -H or --checkout-my-github-prs.


See the help for github for how to configure GitHub API access. TL;DR: GITHUB_TOKEN env var or ~/.github-token file or gh/hub CLI configs if exist. For enterprise domains, non-standard URLs etc., check git config keys in github help.


-c, --checkout-my-github-prs

Checkout your open PRs into local branches.

-y, --yes

Don’t ask for confirmation when deleting branches from git.

Environment variables:


GitHub API token.



git machete completion <shell>

where <shell> is one of: bash, fish, zsh.

Prints out completion scripts.

Supported shells:


Put the following into ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile:

eval "$(git machete completion bash)"  # or, if it doesn't work:
source <(git machete completion bash)


Put the following into ~/.config/fish/

git machete completion fish | source


Put the following into ~/.zshrc:

eval "$(git machete completion zsh)"  # or, if it doesn't work:
source <(git machete completion zsh)



git machete delete-unmanaged [-y|--yes]

Goes one-by-one through all the local git branches that don’t exist in the branch layout file, and ask to delete each of them (with git branch -d or git branch -D) if confirmed by user. No branch will be deleted unless explicitly confirmed by the user (or unless -y/--yes option is passed).

Note: this should be used with care since deleting local branches can sometimes make it impossible for git machete to properly figure out fork points. See help for fork-point for more details.


-y, --yes

Don’t ask for confirmation.



git machete d[iff] [-s|--stat] [<branch>]

Runs git diff of the given branch tip against its fork point or, if none specified, of the current working tree against the fork point of the currently checked out branch. See help for fork-point for more details on the meaning of fork point.

Note: the branch in question does not need to occur in the branch layout file.


-s, --stat

Makes git machete diff pass --stat option to git diff, so that only summary (diffstat) is printed.



git machete discover [-C|--checked-out-since=<date>] [-l|--list-commits] [-r|--roots=<branch1>,<branch2>,...] [-y|--yes]

Discovers and displays tree of branch dependencies using a heuristic based on reflogs and asks whether to overwrite the existing branch layout file with the new discovered tree. If confirmed with a y[es] or e[dit] reply, backs up the current branch layout file (if it exists) as $GIT_DIR/machete~ and saves the new tree under the usual $GIT_DIR/machete path. If the reply was e[dit], additionally an editor is opened (as in: git machete edit) after saving the new branch layout file. discover retains the existing branch qualifiers used by git machete traverse (see help for traverse).


-C, --checked-out-since=<date>

Only consider branches checked out at least once since the given date. <date> can be, for example, 2 weeks ago or 2020-06-01, as in git log --since=<date>. If not present, the date is selected automatically so that around 10 branches are included.

-l, --list-commits

When printing the discovered tree, additionally lists the messages of commits introduced on each branch (as for git machete status).

-r, --roots=<branch1,…>

Comma-separated list of branches that should be considered roots of trees of branch dependencies. If not present, master is assumed to be a root. Note that in the process of discovery, certain other branches can also be additionally deemed to be roots as well.

-y, --yes

Don’t ask for confirmation before saving the newly-discovered tree. Mostly useful in scripts; not recommended for manual use.



git machete e[dit]

Opens an editor and lets you edit the branch layout file manually.

The editor is determined by checking up the following locations:



  • $(git config core.editor)



  • editor

  • nano

  • vi

and selecting the first one that is defined and points to an executable file accessible on PATH.

Note that the above editor selection only applies for editing the branch layout file, but not for any other actions that may be indirectly triggered by git machete, including editing of rebase TODO list, commit messages etc.

The branch layout file can be always accessed and edited directly under the path returned by git machete file (usually .git/machete, unless worktrees or submodules are involved).

Environment variables:


Name of the editor executable.



git machete file

Outputs the absolute path of branch layout file. The file is always called machete and is located in the git directory of the project.

Three cases are possible:

  • if git machete is executed from a regular working directory (not a worktree or submodule), the file is located under .git/machete,

  • if git machete is executed from a worktree, the file path depends on the machete.worktree.useTopLevelMacheteFile config key value:

    • if machete.worktree.useTopLevelMacheteFile is true (default), the file is located under .git/machete

    • if machete.worktree.useTopLevelMacheteFile is false, the file is located under .git/worktrees/.../machete,

  • if git machete is executed from a submodule, this file is located in the git folder of the submodule itself under .git/modules/.../machete.



git machete fork-point [--inferred] [<branch>]
git machete fork-point --override-to=<revision>|--override-to-inferred|--override-to-parent [<branch>]
git machete fork-point --unset-override [<branch>]

Note: in all three forms, if no <branch> is specified, the currently checked out branch is assumed. The branch in question does not need to occur in the branch layout file.

Without any option, git machete fork-point displays full hash of the fork point commit for the <branch>. Fork point of the given <branch> is the commit at which the history of the <branch> diverges from history of any other branch.

Fork point is assumed by many git machete commands as the place where the unique history of the <branch> starts. The range of commits between the fork point and the tip of the given branch is, for instance:

  • listed for each branch by git machete status --list-commits

  • passed to git rebase by git machete reapply/slide-out/traverse/update

  • provided to git diff/log by git machete diff/log.

git machete assumes fork point of <branch> is the most recent commit in the log of <branch> that has NOT been introduced on that very branch, but instead occurs on a reflog (see help for git reflog) of some other branch. This yields a correct result in typical cases, but there are some situations (esp. when some local branches have been deleted) where the fork point might not be determined correctly. Thus, all rebase-involving operations (reapply, slide-out, traverse and update) run git rebase in the interactive mode by default, unless told explicitly not to do so by --no-interactive-rebase flag. This way, the suggested commit range can be inspected before the rebase starts. Also, reapply, slide-out, squash, and update allow to specify the fork point explicitly by a command-line option.

git machete fork-point is different (and more powerful) than git merge-base --fork-point, since the latter takes into account only the reflog of the one provided upstream branch, while the former scans reflogs of all local branches and their remote tracking branches. This makes git machete’s fork-point more resilient to modifications of .git/machete file when certain branches are re-attached under new parents (upstreams).

With --override-to=<revision>, sets up a fork point override for <branch>. Fork point for <branch> will be overridden to the provided <revision> (commit) as long as the <branch> still points to (or is descendant of) that commit. The override data is stored under machete.overrideForkPoint.<branch>.to git config key. Note: the provided fork point <revision> must be an ancestor of the current <branch> commit.

With --override-to-parent, overrides fork point of the <branch> to the commit currently pointed by <branch>’s parent in the branch dependency tree. Note: this will only work if <branch> has a parent at all (is not a root branch) and parent of <branch> is an ancestor of current <branch> commit.

With --inferred, displays the commit that git machete fork-point infers to be the fork point of <branch>. If there is NO fork point override for <branch>, this is identical to the output of git machete fork-point. If there is a fork point override for <branch>, this is identical to the what the output of git machete fork-point would be if the override was NOT present.

With --override-to-inferred option, overrides fork point of the <branch> to the commit that git machete fork-point infers to be the fork point of <branch>. Note: this piece of information is also displayed by git machete status --list-commits in case a yellow edge occurs.

With --unset-override, the fork point override for <branch> is unset. This is simply done by removing the corresponding machete.overrideForkPoint.<branch>.to config entry.

Note: if an overridden fork point applies to a branch B, then it’s considered to be connected with a green edge to its upstream (parent) U, even if the overridden fork point of B is NOT equal to the commit pointed by U.


Note: there is no git machete format command as such; format is just a topic of git machete help.

The format of the branch layout file should be as follows:

    adjust-reads-prec PR #234 rebase=no push=no
        block-cancel-order PR #235 rebase=no
        full-load-gatling push=no
    hotfix/receipt-trigger PR #236

In the above example develop and master are roots of the tree of branch dependencies. Branches adjust-reads-prec, edit-margin-not-allowed and grep-errors-script are direct downstream branches for develop. block-cancel-order is a downstream branch of adjust-reads-prec, change-table is a downstream branch of block-cancel-order and so on.

Every branch name can be followed (after a single space as a delimiter) by a custom annotation, for example PR #234 rebase=no push=no, PR #235 rebase=no or push=no. These annotations might contain branch qualifiers (push=no, rebase=no, slide-out=no) that control the behavior of traverse (see help for traverse). Also see help for anno command.

Tabs or any number of spaces can be used as indentation. It’s only important to use indentation characters consistently between all lines.



git machete github <subcommand>

where <subcommand> is one of: anno-prs, checkout-prs, create-pr, retarget-pr.

Creates, checks out and manages GitHub PRs while keeping them reflected in branch layout file.


To allow GitHub API access for private repositories (and also to perform side-effecting actions like opening a PR, even in case of public repositories), a GitHub API token with repo scope is required, see settings/tokens. This will be resolved from the first of:

  1. GITHUB_TOKEN env var,

  2. content of the .github-token file in the home directory (~),

  3. current auth token from the gh GitHub CLI,

  4. current auth token from the hub GitHub CLI.

GitHub Enterprise domains are supported.

GITHUB_TOKEN is used indiscriminately for any domain, both and Enterprise.

gh and hub have their own built-in support for Enterprise domains, which is honored by git-machete.

.github-token can have multiple per-domain entries in the format:



See Git config keys below in case the target repository cannot be detected automatically (for example, in case of GitHub Enterprise).


anno-prs [--with-urls]:

Annotates the branches based on their corresponding GitHub PR numbers and authors. Any existing annotations are overwritten for the branches that have an opened PR; annotations for the other branches remain untouched. Equivalent to git machete anno --sync-github-prs.

When the current user is NOT the author of the PR associated with that branch, adds rebase=no push=no branch qualifiers used by git machete traverse, so that you don’t rebase or push someone else’s PR by accident (see help for traverse).



Also include full PR URLs in the annotations (rather than just PR number).

checkout-prs [--all | --by=<github-login> | --mine | <PR-number-1> ... <PR-number-N>]:

Check out the head branch of the given pull requests (specified by numbers or by a flag), also traverse chain of pull requests upwards, adding branches one by one to git-machete and check them out locally. Once the specified pull requests are checked out locally, annotate local branches with corresponding pull request numbers. If only one PR has been checked out, then switch the local repository’s HEAD to its head branch.

When the current user is NOT the author of the PR associated with that branch, adds rebase=no push=no branch qualifiers used by git machete traverse, so that you don’t rebase or push someone else’s PR by accident (see help for traverse).



Checkout all open PRs.


Checkout open PRs authored by the given GitHub user, where <github-login> is the GitHub account name.


Checkout open PRs for the current user associated with the GitHub token.


<PR-number-1> ... <PR-number-N> Pull request numbers to checkout.

create-pr [--draft] [--title=<title>] [--yes]:

Creates a PR for the current branch, using the upstream (parent) branch as the PR base. Once the PR is successfully created, annotates the current branch with the new PR’s number.

If .git/info/milestone file is present, its contents (a single number — milestone id) are used as milestone. If .git/info/reviewers file is present, its contents (one GitHub login per line) are used to set reviewers.

The subject of the first unique commit of the branch is used as PR title. If .git/info/description or .github/ file is present, its contents are used as PR description. Otherwise (or if machete.github.forceDescriptionFromCommitMessage is set), PR description is taken from message body of the first unique commit of the branch.

If the newly-created PR is stacked atop another PR, the actual PR description posted to GitHub will be prepended with a section listing the entire related chain of PRs.



Create the new PR as a draft.


Set the PR title explicitly (the default is to use the first included commit’s message as the title).


Do not ask for confirmation whether to push the branch.


Perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. If the PR for the current branch is ready for review, it gets converted to a draft.

  2. The PR is retargeted to its upstream (parent) branch, as in retarget-pr.

  3. The branch is (force-)pushed into remote.

  4. If the PR has been converted to draft in step 1, it’s reverted to ready for review state.

The drafting/undrafting is useful in case the GitHub repository has set up CODEOWNERS. Draft PRs don’t get code owners automatically added as reviewers.

retarget-pr [-b|--branch=<branch>] [--ignore-if-missing]:

Sets the base of the current (or specified) branch’s PR to upstream (parent) branch, as seen by git machete (see git machete show up).

If after changing the base the PR ends up stacked atop another PR, the PR description posted to GitHub will be prepended with a section listing the entire related chain of PRs.

This header will be updated or removed accordingly with the subsequent runs of retarget-pr.


-b, --branch=<branch>

Specify the branch for which the associated PR base will be set to its upstream (parent) branch. The current branch is used if the option is absent.


Ignore errors and quietly terminate execution if there is no PR opened for current (or specified) branch.


Deprecated. Use github checkout-prs --mine, delete-unmanaged and slide-out --removed-from-remote.

Synchronizes with the remote repository:

  1. checks out open PRs for the current user associated with the GitHub token and also traverses the chain of pull requests upwards, adding branches one by one to git-machete and checks them out locally as well,

  2. deletes unmanaged branches,

  3. deletes untracked managed branches that have no downstream branch.

Git config keys:

machete.github.{domain,remote,organization,repository} (all subcommands):

GitHub API server URL will be inferred from git remote. You can alter the default behavior by setting the following git config keys:

GitHub Enterprise domain

E.g. git config machete.github.domain

Remote name (as in git remote)

E.g. git config machete.github.remote origin

Organization and repository name

E.g. git config machete.github.organization VirtusLab; git config machete.github.repository git-machete

Note that you do not need to set all four keys at once. For example, in a typical usage of GitHub Enterprise, it should be enough to just set machete.github.domain. Only machete.github.organization and machete.github.repository must be specified together.

machete.github.annotateWithUrls (all subcommands):

Setting this config key to true will cause all commands that write GitHub PR numbers into annotations to not only include PR number and author (if different from the current user), but also the full URL of the PR.

The affected (sub)commands clearly include anno --sync-github-prs and github anno-prs, but also github checkout-prs, github create-pr, github retarget-pr and github restack-pr.

machete.github.forceDescriptionFromCommitMessage (create-pr only):

Setting this config key to true will force git machete github create-pr to take PR description from the message body of the first unique commit of the branch, even if .git/info/description and/or .github/ is present.

Environment variables (all subcommands):


GitHub API token.



git machete gitlab <subcommand>

where <subcommand> is one of: anno-mrs, checkout-mrs, create-mr, retarget-mr.

Creates, checks out and manages GitLab MRs while keeping them reflected in branch layout file.


To allow GitLab API access for private repositories (and also to perform side-effecting actions like opening a PR, even in case of public projects), a GitLab API token with api scope is required, see -/user_settings/personal_access_tokens. This will be resolved from the first of:

  1. GITLAB_TOKEN env var,

  2. content of the .gitlab-token file in the home directory (~),

  3. current auth token from the glab GitLab CLI.

Self-managed GitLab domains are supported.

GITLAB_TOKEN is used indiscriminately for any domain, both for and a self-managed instance.

glab has its own built-in support for domains, which is honored by git-machete.

.gitlab-token can have multiple per-domain entries in the format:



See Git config keys below in case the target project cannot be detected automatically (for example, in case of GitLab self-managed instance).


anno-mrs [--with-urls]:

Annotates the branches based on their corresponding GitLab MR numbers and authors. Any existing annotations are overwritten for the branches that have an opened MR; annotations for the other branches remain untouched. Equivalent to git machete anno --sync-gitlab-mrs.

When the current user is NOT the author of the MR associated with that branch, adds rebase=no push=no branch qualifiers used by git machete traverse, so that you don’t rebase or push someone else’s MR by accident (see help for traverse).



Also include full MR URLs in the annotations (rather than just MR number).

checkout-mrs [--all | --by=<gitlab-login> | --mine | <MR-number-1> ... <MR-number-N>]:

Check out the source branch of the given pull requests (specified by numbers or by a flag), also traverse chain of pull requests upwards, adding branches one by one to git-machete and check them out locally. Once the specified pull requests are checked out locally, annotate local branches with corresponding pull request numbers. If only one MR has been checked out, then switch the local repository’s HEAD to its source branch.

When the current user is NOT the author of the MR associated with that branch, adds rebase=no push=no branch qualifiers used by git machete traverse, so that you don’t rebase or push someone else’s MR by accident (see help for traverse).



Checkout all open MRs.


Checkout open MRs authored by the given GitLab user, where <gitlab-login> is the GitLab account name.


Checkout open MRs for the current user associated with the GitLab token.


<MR-number-1> ... <MR-number-N> Pull request numbers to checkout.

create-mr [--draft] [--title=<title>] [--yes]:

Creates a MR for the current branch, using the upstream (parent) branch as the MR source branch. Once the MR is successfully created, annotates the current branch with the new MR’s number.

If .git/info/milestone file is present, its contents (a single number — milestone id) are used as milestone. Note that you need to use a global (not per-project) milestone id. Look for something like Milestone ID: 4489529 on milestone web page.

If .git/info/reviewers file is present, its contents (one GitLab login per line) are used to set reviewers.

The subject of the first unique commit of the branch is used as MR title. If .git/info/description or .gitlab/merge_request_templates/ file is present, its contents are used as MR description. Otherwise (or if machete.gitlab.forceDescriptionFromCommitMessage is set), MR description is taken from message body of the first unique commit of the branch.

If the newly-created MR is stacked atop another MR, the actual MR description posted to GitLab will be prepended with a section listing the entire related chain of MRs.



Create the new MR as a draft.


Set the MR title explicitly (the default is to use the first included commit’s message as the title).


Do not ask for confirmation whether to push the branch.


Perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. If the MR for the current branch is ready for review, it gets converted to a draft.

  2. The MR is retargeted to its upstream (parent) branch, as in retarget-mr.

  3. The branch is (force-)pushed into remote.

  4. If the MR has been converted to draft in step 1, it’s reverted to ready for review state.

The drafting/undrafting is useful in case the GitLab project has set up code owners. Draft MRs don’t get code owners automatically added as reviewers.

retarget-mr [-b|--branch=<branch>] [--ignore-if-missing]:

Sets the target of the current (or specified) branch’s MR to upstream (parent) branch, as seen by git machete (see git machete show up).

If after changing the target the MR ends up stacked atop another MR, the MR description posted to GitLab will be prepended with a section listing the entire related chain of MRs.

This header will be updated or removed accordingly with the subsequent runs of retarget-mr.


-b, --branch=<branch>

Specify the branch for which the associated MR source branch will be set to its upstream (parent) branch. The current branch is used if the option is absent.


Ignore errors and quietly terminate execution if there is no MR opened for current (or specified) branch.

Git config keys:

machete.gitlab.{domain,remote,namespace,project} (all subcommands):

GitLab API server URL will be inferred from git remote. You can alter the default behavior by setting the following git config keys:

GitLab self-managed domain

E.g. git config machete.gitlab.domain

Remote name (as in git remote)

E.g. git config machete.gitlab.remote origin

Namespace and project name

E.g. git config machete.gitlab.namespace foo/bar; git config machete.gitlab.project hello-world

Note that you do not need to set all four keys at once. For example, in a typical usage for GitLab self-managed instance, it should be enough to just set machete.gitlab.domain. Only machete.gitlab.namespace and machete.gitlab.project must be specified together.

machete.gitlab.annotateWithUrls (all subcommands):

Setting this config key to true will cause all commands that write GitLab MR numbers into annotations to not only include MR number and author (if different from the current user), but also the full URL of the MR.

The affected (sub)commands clearly include anno --sync-gitlab-mrs and gitlab anno-mrs, but also gitlab checkout-mrs, gitlab create-mr, gitlab retarget-mr and gitlab restack-mr.

machete.gitlab.forceDescriptionFromCommitMessage (create-mr only):

Setting this config key to true will force git machete gitlab create-mr to take MR description from the message body of the first unique commit of the branch, even if .git/info/description and/or .gitlab/merge_request_templates/ is present.

Environment variables (all subcommands):


GitLab API token.



git machete g[o] <direction>

where <direction> is one of: d[own], f[irst], l[ast], n[ext], p[rev], r[oot], u[p]

Checks out the branch specified by the given direction relative to the current branch:

  • down: the direct children/downstream branch of the current branch.

  • first: the first downstream of the root branch of the current branch (like root followed by next), or the root branch itself if the root has no downstream branches.

  • last: the last branch in the branch layout file that has the same root as the current branch; can be the root branch itself if the root has no downstream branches.

  • next: the direct successor of the current branch in the branch layout file.

  • prev: the direct predecessor of the current branch in the branch layout file.

  • root: the root of the tree where the current branch is located. Note: this will typically be something like develop or master, since all branches are usually meant to be ultimately merged to one of those.

  • up: the direct parent/upstream branch of the current branch.

Roughly equivalent to git checkout $(git machete show <direction>).



git machete help [<command>]

Prints a summary of this tool, or a detailed info on a command if provided.


As with the standard git hooks, git machete looks for its own specific hooks in $GIT_DIR/hooks/* (or $(git config core.hooksPath)/*, if set). All hooks are executed from the top-level folder of the repository (or top-level folder of worktree/submodule, if applicable).

Note: hooks is not a command as such, just a help topic (there is no git machete hooks command).


machete-post-slide-out <new-upstream> <lowest-slid-out-branch> [<new-downstreams>...]

The hook that is executed after a branch (or possibly multiple branches, in case of slide-out) is slid out by advance, slide-out or traverse.

At least two parameters (branch names) are passed to the hook:

  • <new-upstream> is the upstream of the branch that has been slid out, or in case of multiple branches being slid out — the upstream of the highest slid out branch;

  • <lowest-slid-out-branch> is the branch that has been slid out, or in case of multiple branches being slid out — the lowest slid out branch;

  • <new-downstreams> are all the following (possibly zero) parameters, which correspond to all original downstreams of <lowest-slid-out-branch>, now reattached as the downstreams of <new-upstream>.

Note that this may be zero, one, or multiple branches.

Note: the hook, if present, is executed:

  • zero or once during a advance execution (depending on whether the slide-out has been confirmed or not),

  • exactly once during a slide-out execution (even if multiple branches are slid out),

  • zero or more times during traverse (every time a slide-out operation is confirmed).

If the hook returns a non-zero exit code, then an error is raised and the execution of the command is aborted — slide-out won’t attempt rebase of the new downstream branches and traverse won’t continue the traversal. In case of advance there is no difference (other than exit code of the entire advance command being non-zero), since slide-out is the last operation that happens within advance.

Note that non-zero exit code of the hook doesn’t cancel the effects of slide-out itself, only the subsequent operations. The hook is executed only once the slide-out is complete and can in fact rely on .git/machete file being updated to the new branch layout.

machete-pre-rebase <new-base> <fork-point-hash> <branch-being-rebased>

The hook that is executed before rebase is run during reapply, slide-out, traverse and update. Note that it is NOT executed by squash (despite its similarity to reapply), since no rebase is involved in squash.

The parameters are exactly the three revisions that are passed to git rebase --onto:

  1. what is going to be the new base for the rebased commits,

  2. what is the fork point — the place where the rebased history diverges from the upstream history,

  3. what branch is rebased.

If the hook returns a non-zero exit code, an error is raised and the entire rebase is aborted.

Note: this hook is independent from git’s standard pre-rebase hook. If machete-pre-rebase returns zero, the execution flow continues to git rebase, which may also run pre-rebase hook if present. machete-pre-rebase is thus always launched before pre-rebase.

machete-status-branch <branch-name>

The hook that is executed for each branch displayed during discover, status and traverse.

The standard output of this hook is displayed at the end of the line, after branch name, (optionally) custom annotation and (optionally) remote sync-ness status. Standard error is ignored. If the hook returns a non-zero exit code, both stdout and stderr are ignored, and printing the status continues as usual.

Note: the hook is always invoked with ASCII_ONLY variable passed into the environment. If status runs in ASCII-only mode (if --color=auto and stdout is NOT a terminal, or if --color=never), then ASCII_ONLY=true, otherwise ASCII_ONLY=false.

Please see hook_samples directory in git-machete project for examples. An example of using the standard git post-commit hook to git machete add branches automatically is also included.



git machete is-managed [<branch>]

Returns with zero exit code if the given branch (or current branch, if none specified) is managed by git machete (that is, listed in .git/machete).

Returns with a non-zero exit code in case:

  • the <branch> is provided but isn’t managed (or doesn’t exist), or

  • the <branch> isn’t provided and the current branch isn’t managed, or

  • the <branch> isn’t provided and there’s no current branch (detached HEAD).



git machete list <category>

where <category> is one of: addable, childless, managed, slidable, slidable-after <branch>, unmanaged, with-overridden-fork-point.

Lists all branches that fall into one of the specified categories:

  • addable: all branches (local or remote) than can be added to the branch layout file,

  • childless: all managed branches that do not possess child branches,

  • managed: all branches that appear in the branch layout file,

  • slidable: all managed branches that have an upstream and can be slid out with slide-out command

  • slidable-after <branch>: the downstream branch of the <branch>, if it exists and is the only downstream of <branch> (and thus can be slid out immediately following <branch>),

  • unmanaged: all local branches that don’t appear in the branch layout file,

  • with-overridden-fork-point: all local branches that have a fork point override set up (even if this override does not affect the location of their fork point anymore).

This command is generally not meant for a day-to-day use, it’s mostly needed for the sake of branch name completion in shell.



git machete l[og] [<branch>]

Runs git log for the range of commits from tip of the given branch (or current branch, if none specified) back to its fork point. See help for fork-point for more details on meaning of the fork point.

Note: the branch in question does not need to occur in the branch layout file.



git machete reapply [-f|--fork-point=<fork-point-commit>]

Interactively rebase the current branch on the top of its computed fork point. The chunk of the history to be rebased starts at the automatically computed fork point of the current branch by default, but can also be set explicitly by --fork-point. See help for fork-point for more details on meaning of the fork point.

Note: the current reapplied branch does not need to occur in the branch layout file.

Tip: reapply can be used for squashing the commits on the current branch to make history more condensed before push to the remote, but there is also dedicated squash command that achieves the same goal without running git rebase.


-f, --fork-point=<fork-point-commit>

Specifies the alternative fork point commit after which the rebased part of history is meant to start.

Environment variables:


Extra options to pass to the underlying git rebase invocation, space-separated. Example: GIT_MACHETE_REBASE_OPTS="--keep-empty --rebase-merges" git machete reapply.



git machete show <direction> [<branch>]

where <direction> is one of: c[urrent], d[own], f[irst], l[ast], n[ext], p[rev], r[oot], u[p] displayed relative to given <branch>, or the current checked out branch if <branch> is unspecified.

Outputs name of the branch (or possibly multiple branches, in case of down) that is:

  • current: the current branch; exits with a non-zero status if none (detached HEAD)

  • down: the direct children/downstream branch of the given branch.

  • first: the first downstream of the root branch of the given branch (like root followed by next), or the root branch itself if the root has no downstream branches.

  • last: the last branch in the branch layout file that has the same root as the given branch; can be the root branch itself if the root has no downstream branches.

  • next: the direct successor of the given branch in the branch layout file.

  • prev: the direct predecessor of the given branch in the branch layout file.

  • root: the root of the tree where the given branch is located. Note: this will typically be something like develop or master, since all branches are usually meant to be ultimately merged to one of those.

  • up: the direct parent/upstream branch of the given branch.



git machete slide-out --removed-from-remote [--delete]
git machete slide-out [-d|--down-fork-point=<down-fork-point-commit>] [--delete] [-M|--merge] [-n|--no-edit-merge|--no-interactive-rebase] [<branch> [<branch> [<branch> ...]]]

Removes the given branch (or multiple branches) from the branch layout. If no branch has been specified, current branch is slid out. If --removed-from-remote is specified, all branches that have been removed from the remote are slid out instead.

Also, if the last branch in the specified chain of [<branch> [<branch>]] had any children, these children are synced to the parent of the first specified branch. Sync is performed either by rebase (default) or by merge (if --merge option passed).

For example, let’s assume the following dependency tree:


After running git machete slide-out adjust-reads-prec block-cancel-order the tree will be reduced to:


and change-table and add-notification will be rebased onto develop (fork point for this rebase is configurable, see -d option below).

The most common use is to slide out a single branch whose upstream was a develop/master branch and that has been recently merged.

The provided branches must form a chain — all of the following conditions must be met:

  • for i=1..N-1, (i+1)-th branch must be the only downstream (child) branch of the i-th branch,

  • all provided branches must have an upstream branch (so, in other words, roots of branch layout cannot be slid out).

Note: Unless --delete is passed, slide-out doesn’t delete any branches from git, just removes them from the tree of branch dependencies.

Note: if a child branch is annotated with rebase=no qualifier, the rebase is not performed. See help for traverse for more details on the qualifiers.


-d, --down-fork-point=<down-fork-point-commit>

If updating by rebase, specifies the alternative fork point for downstream branches for the operation. git machete fork-point overrides for downstream branches are recommended over use of this option. See also doc for --fork-point option in git machete help reapply and git machete help update. Not allowed if updating by merge.


Delete the branches after sliding them out.

-M, --merge

Update the downstream branch by merge rather than by rebase.


If updating by rebase, equivalent to --no-interactive-rebase. If updating by merge, equivalent to --no-edit-merge.


If updating by merge, skip opening the editor for merge commit message while doing git merge (that is, pass --no-edit flag to the underlying git merge). Not allowed if updating by rebase.


If updating by rebase, run git rebase in non-interactive mode (without -i/--interactive flag). Not allowed if updating by merge.


Slide out managed branches whose remote tracking branches have been deleted and that have no downstreams. In other words, this deletes all branches except:

  • those that are unmanaged,

  • those that have no remote tracking branch set (unpushed),

  • those whose remote tracking branches still exist (not deleted remotely),

  • those that have at least one downstream (child) branch.

Environment variables:


Extra options to pass to the underlying git rebase invocations, space-separated. Example: GIT_MACHETE_REBASE_OPTS="--keep-empty --rebase-merges" git machete slide-out.



git machete squash [-f|--fork-point=<fork-point-commit>]

Squashes the commits belonging uniquely to the current branch into a single commit. The chunk of the history to be squashed starts at the automatically computed fork point of the current branch by default, but can also be set explicitly by --fork-point. See help for fork-point for more details on meaning of the fork point. The message for the resulting commit is taken from the earliest squashed commit (the commit directly following the fork point).

To simply squash the most recent N commits, use --fork-point=HEAD~<N>, for example git machete squash --fork-point=HEAD~3.

Tip: squash does NOT run git rebase under the hood. For more complex scenarios that require rewriting the history of current branch, see reapply and update.


-f, --fork-point=<fork-point-commit>

Specifies the alternative fork point commit after which the squashed part of history is meant to start.



git machete s[tatus] [--color=WHEN] [-l|--list-commits] [-L|--list-commits-with-hashes] [--no-detect-squash-merges]

Displays a tree-shaped status of the branches listed in the branch layout file.

Apart from simply ASCII-formatting the branch layout file, this also:

  • colors the edges between upstream (parent) and downstream (children) branches:

    • red edge means not in sync. The downstream branch is NOT a direct descendant of the upstream branch.

    • yellow edge means in sync but fork point off. The downstream branch is a direct descendant of the upstream branch, but the fork point of the downstream branch is NOT equal to the upstream branch.

    • green edge means in sync. The downstream branch is a direct descendant of the upstream branch and the fork point of the downstream branch is equal to the upstream branch.

    • grey/dimmed edge means merged. The downstream branch has been merged to the upstream branch, detected by commit equivalency (default), or by strict detection of merge commits (if --no-detect-squash-merges passed).

  • prints (untracked/ahead of <remote>/behind <remote>/diverged from [& older than] <remote>) message if the branch is not in sync with its remote counterpart;

  • displays the custom annotations (see help for format and anno) next to each branch, if present. Annotations might contain underlined branch qualifiers (push=no, rebase=no, slide-out=no) that control rebase and push behavior of traverse (see help for traverse);

  • displays the output of machete-status-branch hook (see help for hooks), if present;

  • optionally lists commits introduced on each branch if -l/--list-commits or -L/--list-commits-with-hashes is supplied.

Name of the currently checked-out branch is underlined (or shown in blue on terminals that don’t support underline).

In case of yellow edge, use -l or -L flag to show the exact location of the inferred fork point (which indicates, among other things, what range of commits is going to be rebased when the branch is updated). The inferred fork point can be always overridden manually, see help for fork-point.

Grey/dimmed edge suggests that the downstream branch can be slid out (see help for slide-out and traverse).

Use of colors can be disabled with a --color flag set to never. With --color=always, git machete always emits colors. With --color=auto (the default), it emits colors only when standard output is connected to a terminal. When colors are disabled, relation between branches is represented in the following way (not including the hash-comments):

o-<branch1> *   # green (in sync with parent; asterisk for the current branch)
| |
| x-<branch2>   # red (not in sync with parent)
|   |
|   ?-<branch3> # yellow (in sync with parent, but parent is not the fork point)
m-<branch4>     # grey (merged to parent)

To make it easier to select branch name from the status output on certain terminals (like Alacritty), you can add an extra space between └─ and branch name by setting git config machete.status.extraSpaceBeforeBranchName true.

For example, by default the status is displayed as:




With machete.status.extraSpaceBeforeBranchName config set to true:


├─ feature_branch1

└─ feature_branch2



Colorize the output; WHEN can be always, auto (default: colorize only if stdout is a terminal), or never.

-l, --list-commits

Additionally list the commits introduced on each branch.

-L, --list-commits-with-hashes

Additionally list the short hashes and messages of commits introduced on each branch.


Only consider strict (fast-forward or 2-parent) merges, rather than rebase/squash merges, when detecting if a branch is merged into its upstream (parent).

Git config keys:


To make it easier to select branch name from the status output on certain terminals (like Alacritty), you can add an extra space between └─ and branch name by setting git config machete.status.extraSpaceBeforeBranchName true.



git machete t[raverse] [-F|--fetch] [-l|--list-commits] [-M|--merge]
                       [-n|--no-edit-merge|--no-interactive-rebase] [--no-detect-squash-merges]
                       [--[no-]push] [--[no-]push-untracked]
                       [--return-to=WHERE] [--start-from=WHERE] [-w|--whole] [-W] [-y|--yes]

Traverses the branches in the order as they occur in branch layout file. By default, traverse starts from the current branch. This behavior can, however, be customized using options: --start-from=, --whole or -w, -W.

For each branch, the command:

  • detects if the branch is merged (grey edge) to its parent (aka upstream):

    • by commit equivalency (default), or by strict detection of merge commits (if --no-detect-squash-merges passed),

    • if so, asks the user whether to slide out the branch from the dependency tree (typically branches are no longer needed after they’re merged);

  • otherwise, if the branch has a red or yellow edge to its parent/upstream (see help for status):

    • asks the user whether to rebase (default) or merge (if --merge passed) the branch onto into its upstream branch — equivalent to git machete update;

  • if the branch is not tracked on a remote, is ahead of its remote counterpart, or diverged from the counterpart & has newer head commit than the counterpart:

    • asks the user whether to push the branch (possibly with --force-with-lease if the branches diverged);

  • otherwise, if the branch diverged from the remote counterpart & has older head commit than the counterpart:

    • asks the user whether to reset (git reset --keep) the branch to its remote counterpart

  • otherwise, if the branch is behind its remote counterpart:

    • asks the user whether to pull the branch;

  • and finally, if any of the above operations has been successfully completed:

    • prints the updated status.

By default traverse asks if the branch should be pushed. This behavior can, however, be changed with the machete.traverse.push configuration key. It can also be customized using options: --[no-]push or --[no-]push-untracked — the order of the flags defines their precedence over each other (the one on the right overriding the ones on the left). More on them in the Options section below.

If the traverse flow is stopped (typically due to merge/rebase conflicts), just run git machete traverse after the merge/rebase is finished. It will pick up the walk from the current branch. Unlike with git rebase or git cherry-pick, there is no special --continue flag, as traverse is stateless. traverse doesn’t keep a state of its own like git rebase does in .git/rebase-apply/.

The rebase, push and slide-out behaviors of traverse can also be customized for each branch separately using branch qualifiers. There are push=no, rebase=no and slide-out=no qualifiers that can be used to opt out of default behavior (rebasing, pushing and sliding the branch out). The qualifier can appear anywhere in the annotation, but needs to be separated by a whitespace from any other character, as in: some_annotation_text rebase=no push=no slide-out=no. Qualifiers can only be overwritten by manually editing .git/machete file or modifying it with git machete e[dit], or by updating annotations with git machete anno. Example machete file with branch qualifiers:

  develop  rebase=no slide-out=no
    my-branch  PR #123
    someone-elses-branch  PR #124 rebase=no push=no
    branch-for-local-experiments  push=no

Operations like git machete github anno-prs (git machete gitlab anno-mrs) and git machete github checkout-prs (git machete gitlab checkout-mrs) add rebase=no push=no branch qualifiers when the current user is NOT the author of the PR/MR associated with that branch.


-F, --fetch

Fetch the remotes of all managed branches at the beginning of traversal (no git pull involved, only git fetch).

-l, --list-commits

When printing the status, additionally list the messages of commits introduced on each branch.

-M, --merge

Update by merge rather than by rebase.


If updating by rebase, equivalent to --no-interactive-rebase. If updating by merge, equivalent to --no-edit-merge.


Only consider strict (fast-forward or 2-parent) merges, rather than rebase/squash merges, when detecting if a branch is merged into its upstream (parent).


If updating by merge, skip opening the editor for merge commit message while doing git merge (that is, pass --no-edit flag to the underlying git merge). Not allowed if updating by rebase.


If updating by rebase, run git rebase in non-interactive mode (without -i/--interactive flag). Not allowed if updating by merge.


Do not push any (neither tracked nor untracked) branches to remote, re-enable via --push.


Do not push untracked branches to remote, re-enable via --push-untracked.


Push all (both tracked and untracked) branches to remote — default behavior. Default behavior can be changed by setting git configuration key git config machete.traverse.push false. Configuration key value can be overridden by the presence of the flag.


Push untracked branches to remote.


Specifies the branch to return after traversal is successfully completed; WHERE can be here (the current branch at the moment when traversal starts), nearest-remaining (nearest remaining branch in case the here branch has been slid out by the traversal) or stay (the default — just stay wherever the traversal stops). Note: when user quits by q/yq or when traversal is stopped because one of git actions fails, the behavior is always stay.


Specifies the branch to start the traversal from; WHERE can be here (the default — current branch, must be managed by git machete), root (root branch of the current branch, as in git machete show root) or first-root (first listed managed branch).

-w, --whole

Equivalent to -n --start-from=first-root --return-to=nearest-remaining; useful for quickly traversing & syncing all branches (rather than doing more fine-grained operations on the local section of the branch tree).


Equivalent to --fetch --whole; useful for even more automated traversal of all branches.

-y, --yes

Don’t ask for any interactive input, including confirmation of rebase/push/pull. Implies -n.

Environment variables:


Extra options to pass to the underlying git rebase invocations, space-separated. Example: GIT_MACHETE_REBASE_OPTS="--keep-empty --rebase-merges" git machete traverse.

Git config keys:


To change the behavior of git machete traverse command so that it doesn’t push branches by default, you need to set config key git config machete.traverse.push false.

Configuration key value can be overridden by the presence of the --push or --push-untracked flags.



git machete update [-f|--fork-point=] [-M|--merge] [-n|--no-edit-merge|--no-interactive-rebase]

Synchronizes the current branch with its upstream (parent) branch either by rebase (default) or by merge (if --merge option passed).

If updating by rebase, interactively rebases the current branch on the top of its upstream (parent) branch. The chunk of the history to be rebased starts at the fork point of the current branch, which by default is inferred automatically, but can also be set explicitly by --fork-point. See help for fork-point for more details on the meaning of fork point.

If updating by merge, merges the upstream (parent) branch into the current branch.


-f, --fork-point=<fork-point-commit>

If updating by rebase, specifies the alternative fork point commit after which the rebased part of history is meant to start. Not allowed if updating by merge.

-M, --merge

Update by merge rather than by rebase.


If updating by rebase, equivalent to --no-interactive-rebase. If updating by merge, equivalent to --no-edit-merge.


If updating by merge, skip opening the editor for merge commit message while doing git merge (that is, pass --no-edit flag to underlying git merge). Not allowed if updating by rebase.


If updating by rebase, run git rebase in non-interactive mode (without -i/--interactive flag). Not allowed if updating by merge.

Environment variables:


Extra options to pass to the underlying git rebase invocation, space-separated. Example: GIT_MACHETE_REBASE_OPTS="--keep-empty --rebase-merges" git machete update.



git machete version

Prints the version and exits.